Vacature Warehouse Employee Tiel

  • Vakgebied: Overig
  • Soort dienstverband: Tijdelijk
  • Provincie: Gelderland
  • Plaats: Tiel
  • Salarisindicatie: 1500 - 2000 per maand
  • Werkervaring: Starter
  • Plaatsingsdatum: 20 januari 2023
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Do you like to work hard and do you enjoy working in a warehouse? Then you are welcome to start as an Warehouse Employee at the distribution center of Lidl in Tiel!

In addition to food, Lidl also sells Non-food items. These are items like games, clothing, garden articles etc. These items are stored in the distribution center in Tiel. These articles are processed here after they come back from the supermarkets. Would you like to process these articles so that everything runs smoothly?

During your working day you have different tasks, one of the tasks is scanning products. You scan the products and see on the computer what needs to be done with them. Do the items go back into the logistics process? You make sure that everything goes into the right channel. The articles that are going to be stored must then be neatly packed. These tasks are all part of your job.

There are fixed starting times but we can be flexible in the end times, we are happy to discuss with you which option suits you. For this position we are looking for both full-time and part-time starters.

  • 06:30 – 15:30
  • 09:00 – 18:00

There are periods when it is extra busy in the distribution center. Think of the period after Sinterklaas and Christmas. We can certainly use your help to strengthen the team during these periods. Do you enjoy working at Lidl for a longer period and is it positive from both sides? Then this is certainly possible!

You will work in a friendly team of all ages, male and female. In addition, people of different origins work here, everyone is welcome at Lidl!


  • You like to work in a team, but you can also work independently;
  • You master the Dutch or English language;
  • Available Monday to Friday (part-time also possible);
  • Living near Tiel/Geldermalsen/Zaltbommel.

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