Vacature Orderpicker – 2022 De Meern

  • Vakgebied: Overig
  • Soort dienstverband: Tijdelijk
  • Provincie: Utrecht
  • Plaats: De Meern
  • Salarisindicatie: 2000 - 2500 per maand
  • Werkervaring: Starter
  • Plaatsingsdatum: 28 december 2021
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Let’s explain you a bit more of a day of an Orderpicker:

After you have entered the building, you first will crab a cup of coffee together with a colleague who you met during your trainings week. After a chat, you pass by to the Olympia office to ask some questions. You go to the lockerroom, to store your personal belongings in your personal locker and you are ready for the day! You ask your Teamleader what your task will be for the day. For example; Do you need to collect the fresh items or are you responsible for filling up the shelfs? Let’s pick up your best friend: The scanner, which is waiting for you already and the crazy shift can start! You will work independently through the paths, looking for the right products you need to scan. All items collected for the first round and is the quality checked? You will leave it nicely for our other colleagues from the delivery. Let’s go again for the next round till the well-deserved break. You will have a nice dinner with your colleagues which is free of charge. The customers are waiting for their order, so we will continue the picking. After a while, all orders are packed so we can start to clean up the work floor. After a good shift, you go home a bit tired but totally satisfied!


If you are motivated to work, we will train you to be the best orderpicker. Any warehousing experience is a pre but not necessary. The most important thing is that you are motivated!

So, let’s make a recap:

  • You have no problem with being physically busy all day (we walk easily 16KM per shift)
  • You are available to work on a Fulltime base;
  • You have your own transport (Scooter or car. Bicycle, is also possible, but you need to live max 10KM away);
  • You are not afraid to work in a cooled environment of 4 degrees.

Direct reageren op deze vacature

  • Toegestane bestandstypen: pdf, doc, docx.
  • Eindig niet onderop de stapel! Een opvallend cv verhoogd uw kans op een sollicitatiegesprek met 43%. Maak voor slechts 4,95 een prachtig cv met EasyCV!
  • Geen cv bij de hand? Mail de vacature naar uzelf en solliciteer later!