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Do you have a passion for technology and do you want to work in a company where you make custom work and are involved in various production phases up to the end product? Then you have come to the right place with this employer. Respond quickly to this vacancy for the position of Mechanic Machines / Assembly Mechanic

Job Requirements
You assemble complete machines and put them into operation, both in our own workshop and at our customers (worldwide). You mount electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic machine parts. Maintenance and service of delivered machines are also part of your tasks. A valuable position within our company where you go home with a satisfied feeling at the end of the day!
Working hours are between 07:00 and 17:00

Salary and Benefits
You are in possession of a technical education (WTB / Mechatronics), or equivalent through work experience. Do you also have an affinity with machine building? Then this function is perfect for you! With your technical insight you solve problems independently.

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